
Welcome to the Galaxy. 

Contact Information:

Instructor: Prof. Yanqin Wu
Lectures: Friday 10-12, AB101-H

Office: MP1210, x8-5633

Links to useful websites

Tremaine’s stellar dynamics course (Princeton)

Barne’s galaxy course (Hawaii)

Chiang’s wiki galaxy course (Berkeley)

Lecture notes (some will be posted as lectures 


Lecture I (overview)

Lecture II (orbits: spherical, axisymmetric)

Assignment I posted (here), due Friday Oct. 3rd 10AM

Lecture III (epicycle approximation)

Lecture IV (galactic SED, distribution function)

Assignment II posted (here), due Friday Oct. 24th, 10AM

Lecture V (Discussions)

Lecture VI (spirals, bars, formation of MW;  Elliptical galaxies, Scharwarzschild method)

Assignment III posted (here), due Friday Nov. 14th, 10AM

Lecture VII (globular clusters, 2-body relaxation)

Lecture VIII (Dynamical Friction)

Lecture IX (Numerical Techniques)

Lecture X (tidal streams)

Lecture XI (Spherical Collapse)

Lecture XII (GAIA)